General catalogue ATLANTIC 2023

3 Reducing the environmental impact of our industrial sites: c hallenge for the first Group carbon accounting campaign launched in 2022. We are staging the campaign across 18 industrial and commercial sites in several countries with help from local and external teams. This assessment will help us to measure the carbon footprint of audited sites, extrapolate emissions data on a Group-wide basis, and roll out effective strategies for cutting emissions. 4 Monitoring hazardous substance use by our suppliers. An external organisation, ECOMUNDO, which is contracted by the Group, systematically reviews suppliers according to the REACH, ROHS and Nanoparticle regulations. This campaign aims to ensure compliance and to identify consumer items containing potentially hazardous substances. Since July 2021, the Group has expanded the scope of this campaign to 21 industrial sites worldwide. 2 Accelerating the eco-design approach in our projects. The Group is developing eco-design for its heating and hot water products, with support from both marketing and R&D. We are ramping up this process to bring to market products with less environmental impact. 5 BATHROOM RADIATORS COMPACT BATHROOM HEATERS BATHROOM HEATING GENTLE HEAT RADIATORS EXTENSIVE HEAT PANEL HD HEATING PANEL ACTIVE HEAT CONVECTORS ELECTRIC ROOM HEATING RENEWABLE ENERGY WATER HEATERS INDIRECT & COMBI WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS DOMESTIC HOT WATER